SparkyLinux 4.5


SparkyLinux  è una distribuzione Linux leggera basata su versioni customizzate di Enlightenment e LXDE, adatta sia ai vecchi che hai nuovi computer. Si basa sul ramo testing di  Debian.

Versione 4.5

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • full system upgrade as of November 29, 2016
  • Linux kernel 4.8.7 as default (4.8.12-sparky available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
  • Firefox 45.5.0 ESR (Firefox 50.0.2 available in our repos)
  • Icedove 45.4 (Thunderbird 45.5.1 available in our repos)
  • LibreOffice 5.2.3-rc1
  • libc6 2.24, systemd 232-6, python 2.7.12 + 3.5.2, gcc 5.4.1 + 6.2.0
  • added 2 new desktops to be installed via the MinimalGUI/CLI and APTus: CDE (Common Desktop Environment), DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment); Pantheon desktop has been removed from the configuration
  • all Sparky pages (blog, forums, wiki) are encrypted so they are available via the https protocol now; it did not make changes in Sparky repos
  • Netsurf web browser replaced by Midori in MinimalGUI Edition – it does not work well with the https protocol
  • added support for ‘exfat’ file system


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


SparkyLinux 4.2
SparkyLinux 4.2 KDE


Questa versione è stata chiamata “Tyche”

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