Neptune 4.4


Neptune è formalmente la versione 4 di ZevenOS che è una distribuzione Linux basata su Ubuntu/Debian con l’obiettivo di essere veloce e semplice da usare avendo una interfaccia utente in stile BeOS.  Utilizza il desktop manager KDE e un gran numero di applicazioni OpenSource per l’ufficio, il multimedia e lo sviluppo.

Versione 4.4

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • This version features a new LTS Kernel 3.18.16 which delivers better and more modern hardware support. We also did  the biggest update in the graphicsstack since Neptune 4.0 by upgrading to XServer 1.17 and Mesa 10.5.8. This brings in support for modern graphiccards and better 3D performance. Old chips like voodoo or sis however aren’t supported anymore. We updated the Hplip driver to support newer hp printers.
  • Kdenlive now can stabilize videos using the  vid.stab extension. Gimp now includes the GMic filters and plugins by default.
  • Neptune Installer is now able to handle UTF-8 chars in usernames and supports formatting partitions with btrfs-tools 3.17.
  • Chromium was upgraded to version 43 with deactivated Google Now plugin. The packagemanager dpkg was upgraded to version 1.18 featuring a lot of bugfixes and improvements in overall speed.
  • We also added a new application called KDE Volume and Partition Manager which is not only capable of managing partitions but also of handling lvm partitions.


La distribuzione (1,8GB) può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Neptune 4.3
Neptune 4.3


Questa versione esce dopo 4 mesi dalla precedente

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