Linux Lite 5.8

Linux Lite

Linux Lite è una distribuzione Linux per i principianti basata su Ubuntu LTS e utilizzante il desktop manager Xfce per mantenere l’ambiente leggero.

Versione 5.8

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Linux Lite 5.8 Final is now available for download and installation. This release includes updates to the Help Manual – our extensive, easy to follow Linux Lite guide, Lite Widget has caught up with the latest Conky syntax, there’s an updated Papirus icon theme, Neofetch has been included, we’ve added Mintstick to our Accessories, there are 9 new wallpapers, and a host of bug fixes and enhancements for our target audience. If you’re coming from Windows, you’ll find this to be a solid, stable release that will help make your transition to a linux based operating system, user friendly. If you’re coming from another linux based OS, you’ll come to understand that this lightweight OS is the feature complete desktop you’ve been searching for. We’ve been repeatedly described as underrated, here’s your chance to find out why.

Kernel: 5.4.0-96 ( custom kernels also available via our Repository for versions 3.13 – 5.16 )
Firefox: 96.0
Thunderbird: 91.5.0
Gimp: 2.10.18
Base: 20.04.3


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è quello per gli sviluppatori:


Linux Lite 4.8 

Linux Lite 4.8


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