BlackArch Linux 2019.09.01

BlackArch Linux

BlackArch Linux è una distribuzione Linux basata su Arch Linux predisposta per il penetration testing e la ricerca della sicurezza. fornisce anche una immagine live DVD predisposta con diversi desktop manager leggeri (Fluxbox, Openbox, Awesome e spectrwm).

Versione 2019.09.01

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • Today we released the new BlackArch Linux ISOs and OVA image. These are really special releases as many improvements and QA went through all packages and tools BlackArch Linux offers. Here’s the changelog: added more than 150 new tools; added terminus font for all window managers; included Linux kernel 5.2.9; new ~/.vim and ~/.vimrc (thanks to noptrix offering his config files); updated blackarch-installer to version 1.1.19; various improvements and bug fixes; removed dwm window manager; replaced the default terminal xterm with rxvt-unicode


Questa distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

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BlackArch Linux 2015.03.29
BlackArch Linux 2015.03.29


La distribuzione contiene più di 1700 strumenti.

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