ClearOS 7.6.0


ClearOS è una distribuzione Linux per piccole attività basata su Red Hat Enterprise Linux. La distribuzione è flessibile e include servizi che possono essere configurati via web. Tra questi ci sono antivirus, antispam, VPN, filtraggio del contenuto, servizi SMTP, certificazione SSL, servizi di stampa. Ha un marketplace che semplifica l’installazione di moduli aggiuntivi di terze parti.

Versione 7.6.0

Questa versione contiene:

ClearFoundation and ClearCenter are proud to announce the general release of ClearOS 7.6 This is a minor release of ClearOS and focuses on important security updates as well as new applications in the ClearCenter Marketplace.

New Features Included in 7.6.0 Release and Since 7.5.0

  • NextCloud for Business
  • Annotation Libraries and Support for some Cyrus Annotations
  • iLO Management (iLO 5)
  • AMIBIOS Management (Specifically for the HPE MicroServer Gen10)

New Upstream Features and improvements Include

  • Additional container support with new tools such as Podman (a container management tool) that complements the previously released tools such as Buildah and Skopeo. Podman can replace docker.
  • Policy-Based Decryption (PBD)
  • GnuTLS support Hardware Security Module (HSM)
  • OpenSSL now works with CPACF
  • nftables enchancements and the nft command for greater packet filtering insight
  • OpenSC support for new smart cards
  • Greater support for kdump, network, and timesync
  • Integration of Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF)
  • and much, much more.

ClearOS 7 features a Community, Home, and Business version. All versions of ClearOS will install from the same install image. You will be required to select your version during the initial setup wizard on the first boot after ClearOS is installed.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:


ClearOS 6.4.0
ClearOS 6.4.0[banner size="468X60"]


L’aggiornamento dalla versione precedente può essere fatto tramite YUM

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