VyOS 1.1.8


VyOS è una distribuzione basata su Debian derivante da un fork di Vyatta gestito dalal comunità. Si tratta di un sistema operativo per il networking (routing, firewall e funzionalità VPN).  Può avviarsi sia su hardware fisico che virtualizzato.

Versione 1.1.8

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

It breaks the semantic versioning convention, while the version number implies a bugfix-only release, it actually includes a number of new features. This is because 1.2.0 number is already assigned to the Jessie-based release that is still in beta, but not including those features that have been in the codebase for a while and a few of them have already been in production for some users would feel quite wrong, especially considering the long delay between the releases. Overall it’s pretty close in scope to the original 1.2.0 release plan before Debian Squeeze was EOLd and we had to switch the effort to getting rid of the legacy that was keeping us from moving to a newer base distro.

You can find the full changelog here.

The release is available for both 64-bit and 32-bit machines. The i586-virt flavour, however, was discontinued since a) according to web server logs and user comments, there is no demand for it, unlike a release for 32-bit physical machines b) hypervisors capable of running on 32-bit hardware went extinct years ago. The current 32-bit image is built with paravirtual drivers for KVM/Xen, VMware, and Hyper-V, but without PAE, so you shouldn’t have any problem running it on small x86 boards and testing it on virtual machines.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione: http://vyos.net/


C’è anche la versione a 32 bit.

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