Univention Corporate Server 4.2-2


Univention Corporate Server è una distribuzione Linux di classe enterprise basata su Debian GNU/Linux.  Utilizza un sistema di controllo  integrato per l’amministrazione centralizzata dei server, fornisce servizi compatibili al Microsoft Active Directory, e ha funzionalità per sistemi virtualizzati.

Versione 4.2-2

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

We are pleased to announce the availability of UCS 4.2-2 for download, the second point release of Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 4.2. It includes all errata updates issued for UCS 4.2-1 and provides various improvements and bugfixes especially in the following areas:

  • The portal is now also easily usable in cloud setups. The services installed on UCS, for example, are directly accessible without further configuration steps. For this purpose, the portal converts existing links into relative links. For portal entries with multiple links, heuristic procedures are used to determine the best link.
  • The usability of the management system has been further improved. This allows users and groups to be copied, the error handling has been improved in several places, as did the performance.
  • Each app provider can now create their own App Appliances via the App Provider Portal. App Appliances bundle an app with UCS into an immediately usable virtual machine. In addition, the integration depth of the apps can be significantly increased by so-called app settings. These can be created by the app provider simply via the provider portal without additional programming knowledge.
  • Various security updates were integrated into UCS 4.2-2, .e g. for OpenLDAP, the Linux kernel, Samba, MySQL or PostgreSQL.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.univention.de/en


UCS 4.0
UCS 4.0


Si può aggiornare dalla versione precedente.

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