Univention Corporate Server 5.0-3


Univention Corporate Server è una distribuzione Linux di classe enterprise basata su Debian GNU/Linux.  Utilizza un sistema di controllo  integrato per l’amministrazione centralizzata dei server, fornisce servizi compatibili al Microsoft Active Directory, e ha funzionalità per sistemi virtualizzati.

Versione 5.0-3

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

With Univention Corporate Server 5.0-3, the third point release for Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 5.0 is now available. It provides several feature improvements and extensions, new properties as well as various improvements and bug fixes. Here is an overview of the most important changes:

  • The program univention-support-info is now included with the distribution. It can be used to collect useful information from the system when a support case is opened with Univention GmbH.
  • Several new modules have been added to the UMC module System diagnostic and some existing ones have been improved. For example several Univention Configuration Registry Variables now have type information, which can be used to validate their values. Individual modules can also be disabled in case of false positives.
  • Group membership is now maintained using the OpenLDAP overlay module memberof, which improves performance in large environments.
  • Operational LDAP attributes can now be visualized in the Directory Manager.
  • The program univention-keycloak was added to support the new App Keycloak, which can be installed from the App Center to provide Single Sign On.
  • This Univention Corporate Server release is based on Debian 10.13 Buster.
  • Various security updates have been integrated into UCS 5.0-3, for example for Samba4, Squid, BIND9, PostgreSQL and Dovecot.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.univention.de/en


UCS 4.0 

UCS 4.0


Si può aggiornare dalla versione precedente.

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