KaOS 2022.10

21 Novembre 2022



KaOS è una distribuzione Linux per desktop che utilizza l’ultima versione del desktop enviroment KDE, la suite office Calligra e altre applicazioni basate su Qt toolkit. E’ stata ispirata da Arch Linux, ma usa i propri repositori. KaOS è una rolling-release ed è compilata solo per i 64 bit.

Versione 2022.10

Questa versione contiene (Italiano e Inglese):

It is with great pleasure to present to you the October release of a new stable ISO.

Many changes have been implemented to the installer Calamares in the last few months, so it is fitting to start with listing all that is new or has changed.
It is now possible to do a typical install entirely from a touchpad or mouse, a keyboard is no longer needed. A virtual keyboard has been implemented for those modules that need text input.
For those who prefer PulseAudio over Pipewire, a module has been added (KaOS only), that gives users the option to select which sound server they prefer (with Pipewire set as default).
Dracut is the new default for the initramfs image creation (mkinitcpio is no longer in use for new installs). To accommodate that change, the Dracut module in Calamares had to be adjusted, so it now supports version-less kernels.

The slideshow presented during the install had a complete overhaul, no longer in use are complete different images for each slide, now it has one static background and animated text sliding & fading in & out. Corresponding images for each text are now fading in as slides too. Less jarring transition as was before, so now it is no longer needed to mouse click to advance the slides, it loops automatically.
There now also is an option to either view the slideshow with information about the distribution or watch what the installer Calamares is currently doing by selecting the Log View.
The layout has also been adjusted, so it is now more intuitive to move through the steps and is more in line visually with the other KaOS application presented in Live mode and first boot into the new system. Gone is the use of a ComboBox in the different modules, Drawer is in use instead (for a more consistent behavior).

As mentioned above, KaOS has moved to Dracut as the new initramfs infrastructure. Unlike other implementations, Dracut hard-codes as little as possible into the initramfs. The initramfs has (basically) one purpose in life – getting the rootfs mounted so that transitioning to the real rootfs can be done. Dracut is distribution agnostic and used by many (examples Fedora, VOID, OpenSuse, Gentoo), plus the code-base is very actively maintained.

With Dracut in place, the move to include ZFS as a new filesystem option could also be implemented. Using ZFS has been a goal for KaOS, ever since it started in 2013. ZFS is not default at this stage since it cannot be used (yet) for BIOS installs. For UEFI installs, only the systemd-boot bootloader is ready for ZFS. rEfind adaptation needs to be done still.

For the Plasma desktop, the latest Plasma (5.25.90), KDE Gear (22.08.1), and Frameworks (5.78.0) are included. All built on Qt 5.15.6+. Among the changes included in Plasma 5.25.90 is improved Wayland support with the possibility to select if apps will be scaled by the compositor or by themselves to avoid having blurry apps on Wayland.

kcp, the tool to help to manage Community packages, received a small update to list broken depends. This was needed to make it possible to do a full rewriting of KCP-Center (the online Community packages viewer).
The backend of KCP-Center to update the database, whelp, was obsolete since Python2 was removed from the KaOS repositories. Plus it took too long to update the database. It has been simplified to directly use the kcp features to get the database and is now Python3-compatible.
The frontend was rewritten too, removing jQuery depends and unmaintained jQuery Plugins, and using the Mithril framework to create dynamic pages.

Updates to the base of this distribution included Gawk 5.2.0, Bash 5.2, kernel moved to Linux 5.19.13, Systemd 251.5, DBus 1.14.4, Git 2.38.0, Mesa 22.1.7, Texlive packages moved to 2022, Openssh 9.1.P1, Libssh 0.10.4, and ZFS 2.1.6.

Qt 5.15 does not receive updates or maintenance from the Qt company (only closed source, paid support is available). KDE has stepped up though and published a maintained 5.15 fork. KaOS now does a monthly patch update from this fork for all of Qt 5.15, so it basically is now at 5.15.7.

Qt 6.4.0 is included and is now far more complete since many more are ported from Qt5, this includes qt6-location and the big one, qt6-webengine (plus all the Qt6 webengine depends on). A few test applications have been built on qt6-webengine, including some web browsers. Latest applications that are now using Qt6 are Obs-studio & Avidemux. Plus the Kvantum theming has support for Qt6.

Un grande ringraziamento va a Fosshost per aver fornito non solo il mirror predefinito (attraverso la rete di mirror Fastly CDN mirror network) ma anche un server per KaOS. Questo server sostituisce un server di otto anni fa (usato per il caricamento dei pacchetti, il bouncer ZNC e il vecchio visualizzatore di pacchetti basato su PHP).


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


KaOS 2019.02

KaOS 2019.02


Non si può installare su RAID.


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