NixOS 22.05


NixOS è una distribuzione GNU/Linux indipendente che aspira a migliorare il sistema di configurazione. In NixOS, tutto il sistema operativo è costruito col package manager Nix. Nix memorizza tutt i pacchetti in isolamento dagli altri perciò non ci sono le direcotry /bin, /sbin, /lib o /usr e tutti i pacchetti sono dentro /nix/store.

Versione 22.05

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

A highlight of the release is Nix 2.8, which brings experimental flakes support for the default installed Nix version, along with tonnes of fixes, features and general improvements, like @pennae’s work to improve performance.

The other notable change is the new graphical installer, which @vlinkz led the integration of with @davidak doing a lot of additional work. This feature, enabled by default in the graphical ISOs, will hopefully make initial setup easier for new users and existing users setting up new NixOS machines.

Of course, these are just two things I want to highlight here. Not to mention the countless improvements, bug fixes and new features that have also gone into this release. I would like to thank every single contributor who has contributed to this release. Every NixOS release is an improvement over the previous one and I am already looking forward to the improvements of 22.11.

Please remember that the new release also means that 21.11 channel is now obsolete and will only be updated for an another month.

I would also like to thank @hexa and @aanderse for supporting me during the release process and answering my countless questions, as well as @Mic92 who worked on the release note in his role as release editor.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Nixos 16.09


C’è anche una versione minimal.

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