Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux è una distribuzione Linux per ambienti di produzione, basata su soluzioni con software open source, che fornisce un ampio supporto ai clienti. La controparte free sponsorizzata da Red Hat è data dal progetto Fedora, dove vengono sperimentate nuove soluzioni che poi potranno venir adottate in RHEL.

Versione 9.0

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 also introduces integrity measurement architecture (IMA) digital hashes and signatures. With integrity measurement architecture, users can verify the integrity of the operating system with digital signatures and hashes. This helps to detect rogue infrastructure modifications, making it easier to limit the potential for systems to be compromised. Further supporting enterprise choice in architectures and environments across the open hybrid cloud, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 will be available on IBM Cloud and also complements the key security features and capabilities of IBM Power Systems and IBM Z systems. Pairing the security-focused hardware capabilities of IBM’s architectures with the security enhancements in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 delivers the innovation, strength and security capabilities that many organizations need in hybrid cloud computing.


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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1


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