Finnix 124


Finnix è una piccola distrubuzione Linux Live  basata su Debian creata per gli amministratori di sistema. Può essere usata per manipolare le partizioni degli harddisk, monitorare reti, sistemare i record di boot e installare altri sistemi operativi. E’ ottima come Virtual Private Server.

Versione 124

Questa versione contiene:

  • wifi-connect helper utility will now display nearby access points if invoked without any command line options.
  • ip= kernel command line network configuration now supports netmasks in addition to prefix lengths.
  • Added a pure Python strings implementation. Explanation from the commit: I had avoided including strings because, while it’s incredibly useful, it’s the only desirable utility in the binutils package, which otherwise includes a bunch of compilation-related utilities, and the package itself is quite large. So in the words of the “my mechanics” YouTube channel, I make a new one! It’s not a 100% complete reimplementation of GNU binutils’ strings, but is fine for casual binary checking. This is also set up so that if you do apt install binutils in the live environment, its strings will take precedence over the Python version.
  • RISC-V (riscv64) unofficial build support added, in addition to amd64, i386, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x. (Though as a reminder, AMD64 is the only officially supported architecture with released ISOs. For more information, see Platform support on Finnix.)
  • Replaced the running systemd with the more traditional This is not noticeable in regular live environment use, but makes it easier for people expanding upon Finnix.
  • Added new packages:
  • Removed packages:
    • pppoeconf (Buggy, removed from Debian)
    • crda (Obsolete, removed from Debian)
  • Upstream Debian package updates
  • Many minor fixes and improvements


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

  • x64 (455MB):

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Finnix 107 

Finnix 107: boot


Adesso è a 64 bit.

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