KaOS 2022.02

9 Marzo 2022



KaOS è una distribuzione Linux per desktop che utilizza l’ultima versione del desktop enviroment KDE, la suite office Calligra e altre applicazioni basate su Qt toolkit. E’ stata ispirata da Arch Linux, ma usa i propri repositori. KaOS è una rolling-release ed è compilata solo per i 64 bit.

Versione 2022.02

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

It is with great pleasure to present to you the February release of a new stable ISO.

With the release of Plasma 5.24, a first for KaOS can be announced. Wayland on Plasma is in such a good shape that it now can be the default session for KaOS. For Virtualbox, this means some intervention is needed for auto-resize, upstream does not support this yet for a Wayland session, so you will need to set the desired screen resolution in Systemsettings. When you choose to use non-free Nvidia during the boot-up of the Live session, then Wayland won’t be used, for Nvidia, it is still better to use an X session.
The one application that is not ready for Wayland, is SMplayer, used in KaOS for many years as the default media player. From the many bug reports for Wayland support & SMplayer (dating back to 2017), it seems SMplayer is unable to move to Wayland, thus can no longer be the default.
Haruna is the replacement. It is developed for Plasma, is QML based, has yt-dlp support, subtitle feature, and a rich set of configuration options.

Other news regarding Plasma 5.24 includes a new Configure Display Settings item. This lets you adjust your screens’ resolution, orientation, scaling, and position relative to other monitors. Desktop Panels are now easier to move around and stick to any edge you want, as you can now drag them from anywhere on their toolbar while in Edit Mode. To make critically important Plasma notifications stand out, they now come with an orange strip on the side to visually distinguish them from less urgent messages. The Task Manager’s context menus have been clarified and simplified. The Add a keyboard layout dialog has been redesigned for simplicity and ease of use. And the Cover Flip and Flip Switch effects are back, you can find them in the System Settings Window Management > Task Switcher page.
For the other KDE parts, the latest Frameworks (5.91.0) and KDE Gear (21.12.2) are included. All built on Qt 5.15.2+.

Updates to the base of this distribution were very large and they included an updated Toolchain, due to numerous CVE fixes in Glibc 2.33 and almost six months worth of commits for GCC 11.2, a move to Perl 5.34.0, PHP move to 8.1.2 (PHP 7 is still available, to make the transition easier), GStreamer stack moving to 1.20.0, kernel moved to Linux 5.15.23 (lts release), Systemd 250.3, Curl 7.81.0, Mesa 21.3.6, Vulkan packages 1.3.205, Wayland 1.20.0, Sudo 1.9.9, and Openldap 2.6.1.
Qt 5.15 does not receive updates or maintenance from the Qt company (only closed source, paid support is available). KDE has stepped up though and published a maintained 5.15 fork. KaOS now does a monthly patch update from this fork for all of Qt 5.15, so it basically is now at 5.15.3.

The installer Calamares now prints a warning when the partition module has a conflicting configuration for the swap choices, rather than always using “suspend” and always sets bigtime option on XFS filesystems.

New applications added include Kalendar, a calendar application that allows you to manage your tasks and events. Kalendar supports both local calendars as well as a multitude of online calendars: Nextcloud, Google® Calendar, Outlook®, Caldav, and many more.

For Nvidia, a new long-term support version is added to this ISO, 470xx. The move by Nvidia to 495 meant the end of support for Kepler-based cards, thus the need to add a new legacy version.

Qt 6.2.3 is included and is now far more complete since many more are ported from Qt5, this includes qt6-location and the big one, qt6-webengine (plus all the Qt6 webengine depends on). A few test applications have been built on qt6-webengine, including some web-browsers. All of the PyQt packages are now available in a Qt6 version and QBittorrent. Plus the Kvantum theming has support for Qt6.

Big thanks goes to Fosshost for not only providing the default mirror (through the Fastly CDN mirror network) but also providing a server for KaOS. This server is replacing an eight-year old server (used for package upload, ZNC bouncer, and the old PHP-based package viewer).


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

  • ISO (2,5GB):

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


KaOS 2019.02

KaOS 2019.02


Non si può installare su RAID.



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