Emmabuntüs DE4-1.00


Emmabuntüs è una distribuzione desktop Linux basata su Debian. E’ dedicata ai novizi e richiede relativamente poche risorse così può essere usata sui vecchi computer. Include anche caratteristiche moderne, come molti programmi per l’uso quotidiano già configurati, installazione semplificata di software non free e codec multimediali.

Versione DE4-1.00

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

On September 20th 2021, the Emmabuntüs Collective is happy to announce the release of the new Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 4 1.00 (32 and 64 bits), based on the Debian 11.0 Bullseye distribution and supporting both XFCE and LXQt desktop environments.

This distribution was originally designed to facilitate the reconditioning of computers donated to humanitarian organizations, starting with the Emmaüs communities (which is where the distribution’s name obviously comes from), to promote the discovery of GNU/Linux by beginners, as well as to extend the lifespan of computer hardware, in order to reduce the waste induced by the over-consumption of raw materials.

This update of our new distribution takes up the basis of Emmabuntüs DE3 under Debian 11 Bullseye, and its latest changes concerning the removal of proprietary software in favor of free alternatives, like DWService replacing Teamviewer, Jami replacing Skype and the complete deletion of Adobe Flash.

This version exhibits the new Ice graphic theme created by Juliette Taka, the graphic artist who realized numerous wallpapers for Debian, as well as a renovated logo, which new look was designed by Jean-Claude aka JCZ, who was also part of the Debian wallpapers projects. We want to warmly thank them here, for their outstanding graphic contribution to the Emmabuntüs DE4 distribution, and concerning both the dark and light themes. In order to learn more about them, we conducted two interviews with them wehre they talk about their commitment to free software, and that you can access on our blog, look after Juliette, and Jean-Claude.

Together with this release, we distribute our Emmabuntüs clones in OEM version, and the full set of this new version clones will follow, to allow this cloning method used during the installfests [install-parties in French], see the Download the reusable USB key page.

We encourage all the associations willing to work on the computer reuse, to create their own clones, and our Blabla Linux friend made a nice how-to video on this very subject

This Emmabuntüs DE 4 release includes the following changes or features :

Emmabuntüs comes with a large number of software to allow beginners to have all the tools they may need without having to look for them and install them, see the list of all the software available on Emmabuntüs DE 4.

We fully assume this choice, which also allows us to provide a complete ready-to-use solution within the framework of our activities of computers re-use and training for computer classes under GNU/Linux, as for example in Togo within the framework of our collaboration with the associations YovoTogo and JUMP Lab’Orione.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://emmabuntus.org/

Il sito web per sviluppatori è: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emmabuntus/


Emmabuntüs DE3-1.02 

Emmabuntüs DE3-1.02


E’ disponibile anche la versione a 32 bit.

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