Finnix 123

12 Ottobre 2021



Finnix è una piccola distrubuzione Linux Live  basata su Debian creata per gli amministratori di sistema. Può essere usata per manipolare le partizioni degli harddisk, monitorare reti, sistemare i record di boot e installare altri sistemi operativi. E’ ottima come Virtual Private Server.

Versione 123

Questa versione contiene:

  • Added kernel command line “sshd” and “passwd” options, example: “sshd passwd=foo”, “sshd passwd=root:foo passwd=finnix:bar”
  • The machine ID is now, when possible, stable across reboots and being generated from the DMI. This is used for e.g. the DHCP client ID, so multiple reboots should no longer cycle through dynamic IPs on a network.
  • The finnix command now has instructions for how to enable ZFS support
  • Added a basic command-not-found handler; e.g. trying ftp will point out lftp, and will provide instructions for installing if desired explicitly.
  • Added manpages for Finnix-specific commands (wifi-connect, locale-config, etc).
  • Added packages: jove
  • Removed packages: ftp, ftp-ssl, zile
  • Includes package updates from upstream Debian. Normally Finnix tracks Debian testing, but as Finnix 123 was released shortly after Debian 11 “bullseye”, it is being used as upstream directly.
  • Plus many minor fixes and build enhancements.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Finnix 107

Finnix 107: boot


Adesso è a 64 bit.


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