Parted Magic 2020_12_25

Parted Magic

Parted Magic è una piccola distribuzione Linux live ( CD/USB/PXE) con lo scopo elementare di partizionare gli hard disk. Anche se GParted e Parted sono i programmi principali, il CD/USB offre anche altre applicazioni, come Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, ecc.

Versione 2020_12_25

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

This version of Parted Magic comes with a huge number of package updates and improvements. Most notable is the upgrade to XFCE 4.14. I spent a lot of time tweaking the general look and feel. It looks significantly better than the last version. The boot menus have some changes so it’s easier for people the find the more common booting work-a-arounds. Fcitx has been added to further improve input support. A menu allows you choose between Fcitx and Ibus.

The old PXE version download has been discontinued. I highly suggest using the new method to boot Parted Magic via PXE: If you really need to use the old slow PXE method you can build it with the included script: boot/pxelinux/ There are two reasons for dropping the old PXE download. It doesn’t work near as well as the new method and 75% of all users are downloading it. I find it hard to believe that many people are using the ultra slow PXE booting method and it’s wasting a ton of server bandwidth.


Questa distibuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Parted Magic 2013_09_26

Parted Magic 2013_09_26


Si può scaricare la distribuzione (per un utilizzo illimitato quanto a numero di pc) tramite il pagamento di $9.00 (per gli studenti è fornita gratuitamente).

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