IPFire 2.25 Core 152


IPFire è una distribuzione Linux orientata al networking, che offre, modularmente:

  • Firewall
  • Web Proxy
  • VPN Gateway
  • Intrusion detection
  • Quality of Service
  • Virtualizzazione
  • Wireless access point

Il tutto pensato per essere semplice da configurare ed è costantemente aggiornato.

Versione 2.25 Core 152

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Before we talk about what is new, I would like to as you for your support for our project. IPFire is a small team of people from a range of backgrounds sharing one goal: make the Internet a safer place for everyone. Like many of our open source friends, we’ve taken a hit this year and would like to ask for your continued support. Please follow the link below where your donation can help fund our continued development: https://www.ipfire.org/donate

This update comes with various smaller bug fixes and improvements and updates the Windows File Sharing Add-on.


  • Intrusion Prevention System: The IPS has been updated to suricata 5.0.4 which fixes various bugs and security vulnerabilities
  • Leo-Andres Hofman contributed for the first time and cleaned up code that shows the DHCP leases on the web user interface. They are now sorted and expired leases are shown at the bottom of the list for better usability.
  • Steffen Klammer fixed a bug which rendered an invalid proxy.pac configuration file when subnets where added in the CIDR notation
  • Values for average, minimum and maximum were swapped in the firewall hits graph which has been corrected in this release
  • Updated packages: knot 3.0.1, libhtp 0.94, python 2.7.18, python3 3.8.2, unbound 1.12.0, yaml 0.2.5


  • Updated packages: mtr 0.94, nano 5.3, tor
  • Updated Python 3 packages: botocore 1.16.1, colorama 0.4.3, dateutil 2.8.1, docutils 0.16, jmespath 0.9.5, pyasn1 0.4.8, rsa 4.0, s3transfer 0.3.3, six 1.14.0,


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

  • 64 bit (303 MB): https://downloads.ipfire.org/releases/ipfire-2.x/2.25-core152/ipfire-2.25.x86_64-full-core152.iso

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.ipfire.org/


IPFire 2.13 Core 69 

IPFire 2.13 Core 69


Questa versione contiene vari fix.

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