Fedora 33


Fedora è una distribuzione Linux sponsorizzata da Red Hat ma dallo sviluppo open e totalmente collaborativo con l’obiettivo di creare una distribuzione contenente solo software open source e di utilizzo generale. E’ disponibile con diversi desktop manager anche se Gnome è il principale.

Versione 33

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Fedora Editions are targeted outputs geared toward specific “showcase” uses on the desktop, in server and cloud environments—and now for Internet of Things as well.

Fedora Workstation focuses on the desktop, and in particular, it’s geared toward software developers who want a “just works” Linux operating system experience. This release features GNOME 3.38, which has plenty of great improvements as usual. The addition of the Tour application helps new users learn their way around. And like all of our other desktop-oriented variants, Fedora Workstation now uses BTRFS as the default filesystem. This advanced filesystem lays the foundation for bringing a lot of great enhancements in upcoming releases. For your visual enjoyment, Fedora 33 Workstation now features an animated background (based on time of day) by default.

Fedora CoreOS is an emerging Fedora Edition. It’s an automatically-updating, minimal operating system for running containerized workloads securely and at scale. It offers several update streams that can be followed for automatic updates that occur roughly every two weeks. Currently the next stream is based on Fedora 33, with the testing and stable streams to follow. You can find information about released artifacts that follow the next stream from the download page and information about how to use those artifacts in the Fedora CoreOS Documentation.

Fedora IoT, newly promoted to Edition status, provides a strong foundation for IoT ecosystems and edge computing use cases. Among many other features, Fedora 33 IoT introduces the Platform AbstRaction for SECurity (PARSEC), an open-source initiative to provide a common API to hardware security and cryptographic services in a platform-agnostic way.

Of course, we produce more than just the Editions. Fedora Spins and Labs target a variety of audiences and use cases, including Fedora CompNeuro, which brings a plethora of open source computational modelling tools for neuroscience, and desktop environments like KDE Plasma and Xfce.

And, don’t forget our alternate architectures: ARM AArch64, Power, and S390x. New in Fedora 33, AArch64 users can use the .NET Core language for cross-platform development. We have improved support for Pine64 devices, NVidia Jetson 64 bit platforms, and the Rockchip system-on-a-chip devices including the Rock960, RockPro64, and Rock64. (However, a late-breaking note: there may be problems booting on some of these devices. Upgrading from existing Fedora 32 will be fine. More info will be on the Common Bugs page as we have it.)

We’re also excited to announce that the Fedora Cloud Base Image and Fedora CoreOS will be available in Amazon’s AWS Marketplace for the first time with Fedora 33. Fedora cloud images have been available in the Amazon cloud for over a decade, and you can launch our official images by AMI ID or with a click. The Marketplace provides an alternate way to get the same thing, with significantly wider visibility for Fedora. This will also make our cloud images available in new AWS regions more quickly. Thank you especially to David Duncan for making this happen!


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://fedoraproject.org/


Fedora 32

Fedora 32


E’ disponibile anche la versione per ARM.

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