Parted Magic 2020_10_12

Parted Magic

Parted Magic è una piccola distribuzione Linux live ( CD/USB/PXE) con lo scopo elementare di partizionare gli hard disk. Anche se GParted e Parted sono i programmi principali, il CD/USB offre anche altre applicazioni, come Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, ecc.

Versione 2019_10_12

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

The all new 64bit Parted Magic has been released. Every program has been updated or rebuilt, so there isn’t any point in listing the updated programs. You can take a look at what is included here:

The amount of changes and added programs is quite substantial and I’ll go over a few of them.

Desktop is now XFCE and you can configure the crap of it now with GUIs and use the save session.
The NVIDIA drivers are used by default. This was a big gain moving to 64bit.
Lots of program requests that were not possible or problematic because of the 32bit system are now included. Libre Office, Wireshark, Keepassxc, VLC, etc…

This should put a smile on a lot of faces… International language support and man pages have returned. All languages supported by Linux should be available. Not a cherry picking of a few European countries. Ibus is also included. You’ll see the new entry in the boot menu to get this going.

The downside… The iso is now 1.5GB. I found some old laptops and tested the bigger Parted Magic. The one with 2GB of RAM worked just fine in Live Mode. Another one with 4GB ran just fine from RAM. Even the cheapest computers made in the last 10 years can still run this.

I’m sure I made a few people mad doing this, but I also made even more happy. As always, I hope version is better than the last.


Questa distibuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Parted Magic 2013_09_26
Parted Magic 2013_09_26[banner size="468X60"]


Si può scaricare la distribuzione (per un utilizzo illimitato quanto a numero di pc) tramite il pagamento di $9.00 (per gli studenti è fornita gratuitamente).

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