Parted Magic 2020_08_23

Parted Magic

Parted Magic è una piccola distribuzione Linux live ( CD/USB/PXE) con lo scopo elementare di partizionare gli hard disk. Anche se GParted e Parted sono i programmi principali, il CD/USB offre anche altre applicazioni, come Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, ecc.

Versione 2019_08_23

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • This version has some major changes that might be a big deal to some people, but I don’t think it will be a problem for most users. I was forced to drop the 32-bit kernel after finding out syslinux has an initramfs size limitation. I will include an old version with a 32-bit kernel. You can download it from your file list. 32-bit was going to be dropped in the near future anyway.
  • 32 and 64 was dropped from the boot menus. If you have a custom boot menu or PXE config, please make a note of this change. For example, m64.img was renamed to m.img.
  • Parted Magic no longer uses AUFS. The conversion to Overlayfs was nearly 100% done by D.L.C. Burggraaff. This means kernel updates will no longer be delayed waiting for an aufs patch.
  • Updated Programs: kernel-firmware-20200821git, zfs-on-linux-0.8.4git, linux-5.8.3, dislocker-0.7.1, getdevinfo-1.1.0, gnutls-3.6.14, libexif-0.6.22, libjpeg-turbo-2.0.5, libvorbis-1.3.7, ntp-4.2.8p15, nvme-cli-1.12, sane-1.0.30, sudo-1.8.31p2, btrfs-progs-5.7, ca-certificates-20200630, curl-7.72.0, flashplayer-plugin-, mozilla-firefox-68.11.0esr, bind-9.11.22.


Questa distibuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Parted Magic 2013_09_26
Parted Magic 2013_09_26


Si può scaricare la distribuzione (per un utilizzo illimitato quanto a numero di pc) tramite il pagamento di $9.00 (per gli studenti è fornita gratuitamente).

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