Finnix 120


Finnix è una piccola distrubuzione Linux Live  basata su Debian creata per gli amministratori di sistema. Può essere usata per manipolare le partizioni degli harddisk, monitorare reti, sistemare i record di boot e installare altri sistemi operativi. E’ ottima come Virtual Private Server.

Versione 120

Questa versione contiene:

  • Finnix 120 is now a native 64-bit amd64 userland and kernel system. For older 586/686/PowerPC support, Finnix 109 is recommended as the last Finnix release which was well-supported on those 32-bit platforms.
  • Both BIOS and UEFI booting are now available, with Secure Boot.
  • Hundreds of new utility packages have been added.
  • Automatic setup attempts of complex block device layouts have been removed, in favor of management via udisksctl with tab-completion.
  • Other legacy features and boot modes have been discontinued or are no longer supported, in favor of core USB/CD booting.
  • ISO size has increased (477 MiB, from 160 MiB), but the goal is to continue to keep it under the size of a CD-R.
  • NEALE, the bespoke build system used by Finnix, has been discontinued. Finnix is now built as a customized system based on the debian-live build software.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Finnix 107
Finnix 107: boot


Adesso è a 64 bit.

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