Tails 3.2

The Amnesic Incognito Live System

Tails è una distribuzione Linux live basata su Debian e Gnome che ha l’obbiettivo di garantire la privacy e l’anonimato in rete. Questo viene raggiunto tramite l’utilizzo di Tor per tutte le connessioni uscenti e i dati non vengono salvati su disco (tranne se abilitato).

Versione 3.2

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

New features

  • We added support for PPPoE and dial-up Internet connections.

    Please tell us if this still doesn’t work for you!

  • We installed BookletImposer to convert linear PDF documents into booklets, and vice-versa.
  • We added GNOME Screen Keyboard to replace Florence, the previous virtual keyboard, which had many issues

Upgrades and changes

  • Upgrade Linux to 4.12.12. This should improve the support for newer hardware, especially NVIDIA Maxwell graphics card.
  • Upgrade Thunderbird from 45.8 to 52.3.

User experience

  • Require a 8 GB USB stick to install Tails. 4 GB USB sticks that are already installed can still be upgraded.
  • Tails Installer now detects when the target USB stick has Tails installed already and automatically proposes to upgrade. This made possible to remove the initial splash screen.


  • Disable Bluetooth to protect against the BlueBorne attack. #14655

    Please let us know if this makes it hard for you to use Tails!

  • Increase the randomization of ASLR to the maximum. #11840
  • Deny access to the D-Bus service of Pidgin to prevent other applications to access and modify its configuration. #14612.

Fixed problems

  • Fix the import of secret OpenPGP keys in Password and Keys. #12733


La distribuzione è disponibile in:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: https://tails.boum.org


Tails 3.0
Tails 3.0


E’ disponibile l’aggiornamento automatico dalla versione precedente

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