Tails 3.0

The Amnesic Incognito Live System

Tails è una distribuzione Linux live basata su Debian e Gnome che ha l’obbiettivo di garantire la privacy e l’anonimato in rete. Questo viene raggiunto tramite l’utilizzo di Tor per tutte le connessioni uscenti e i dati non vengono salvati su disco (tranne se abilitato).

Versione 3.0

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

We are especially proud to present you Tails 3.0, the first version of Tails based on Debian 9 (Stretch). It brings a completely new startup and shutdown experience, a lot of polishing to the desktop, security improvements in depth, and major upgrades to a lot of the included software.

Debian 9 (Stretch) will be released on June 17. It is the first time that we are releasing a new version of Tails almost at the same time as the version of Debian it is based upon. This was an important objective for us as it is beneficial to both our users and users of Debian in general and strengthens our relationship with upstream:

  • Our users can benefit from the cool changes in Debian earlier.
  • We can detect and fix issues in the new version of Debian while it is still in development so that our work also benefits Debian earlier.


La distribuzione è disponibile in:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: https://tails.boum.org


Tails 3.0
Tails 3.0


L’aggiornamento dalla versione precedente va fatto manualmente.

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