Xubuntu 17.04


Xubuntu è una distribuzione Linux basata su Ubuntu di Canonical. Xubuntu utilizza il leggero desktop enviroment Xfce ed è ottimizzata per macchine poco potenti. La distribuzione include solo appplicazioni GTK+ quando possibile.

Versione 17.04

Questa versione contiene (In Inglese):

  • Several Xfce panel plugins and applications have been ported to GTK+ 3, paving the way for improved theming and further development. Core Xfce libraries exo and libxfce4ui have also been updated with full GTK+ 3 support, the latter adding support for Glade development in Xubuntu with the installation of libxfce4ui-glade. The Greybird and Numix themes have also been refreshed with improved support for the toolkit.
  • Camera functionality has been restored in Mugshot, Parole introduced a new mini mode and improvements for network streams, and a number of welcome fixes have made their way into Thunar and Ristretto. Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection (sgt-puzzles), an addicting collection of logic games, has been included along with the new SGT Puzzles Collection (sgt-launcher).
  • This release is based on the 4.10.x Linux release series. LibreOffice 5.3 includes a number of fixes and introduces new experimental interface options. Firefox 52 and Thunderbird 45 are included.
  • For new installs a swap file will be used instead of a swap partition. Upgrades from earlier versions are not affected.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.xubuntu.org/


Xubuntu 17.04
Xubuntu 17.04


Questa versione sarà supportata per 9 mesi.

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