Tails 2.6

The Amnesic Incognito Live System

Tails è una distribuzione Linux live basata su Debian e Gnome che ha l’obbiettivo di garantire la privacy e l’anonimato in rete. Questo viene raggiunto tramite l’utilizzo di Tor per tutte le connessioni uscenti e i dati non vengono salvati su disco (tranne se abilitato).

Versione 2.6

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

New features

  • We enabled address space layout randomization in the Linux kernel (kASLR) to improve protection from buffer overflow attacks.
  • We installed rngd to improve the entropy of the random numbers generated on computers that have a hardware random number generator.

Upgrades and changes

  • Upgrade Tor to
  • Upgrade Tor Browser to 6.0.5.
  • Upgrade to Linux 4.6. This should improve the support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, etc.)
  • Upgrade Icedove to 45.2.0.
  • Upgrade Tor Birdy to 0.2.0.
  • Upgrade Electrum to 2.6.4.
  • Install firmware for Intel SST sound cards (firmware-intel-sound).
  • Install firmware for Texas Instruments Wi-Fi interfaces (firmware-ti-connectivity).
  • Remove non-free APT repositories. We documented how to configure additional APT repositories using the persistent volume.
  • Use a dedicated page as the homepage of Tor Browser so we can customize it for our users.
  • Set up the trigger for RAM erasure on shutdown earlier in the boot process. This should speed up shutdown and make RAM erasure more robust.

Fixed problems

  • Disable the automatic configuration of Icedove when using OAuth. This should fix the automatic configuration for GMail accounts. (#11536)
  • Make the Disable all networking and Tor bridge mode options of Tails Greeter more robust. (#11593)


La distribuzione è disponibile in:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: https://tails.boum.org


Tails 2.4
Tails 2.4


E’ disponibile l’aggiornamento dalla versione precedente.

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