wattOS R10


wattOS è una distribuzione Linux veloce basata su Debian (precedentemente era Ubuntu). Utilizza il peso piuma Openbox come window manager per default, e la distribuzione cerca di essere il più efficente possibile nel risparmio energetico così può essere utilizzata anche per riciclare vecchi computer.

Versione R10

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Core apps and versions for LXDE

OS-Basis – Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
Core system – Kernel 4.4.0-36
Web Browser – Firefox 48.0
Music Player – Lollypop 0.9.112
File Manager – PCManFM 1.2.4
Graphics/Picture editing – gThumb 3.4.3
File-transfer – Filezilla
BitTorrent client – Transmission 2.84
PDF viewer – Evince 3.18.2
Gufw (ufw firewall gui) 16.04.1

Power management utilities like powertop to optimize settings, support for power management features of laptops are included.

Whats new in R10

  • A continued focus to try and provide a clean basic desktop with a few key apps that you can then add whatever tools you like for a modern clean desktop without the clutter.
    – Upgrade to newest LTS Ubuntu as base
    – All new versions and upgrades to programs mentioned above
    – Broader support for wireless and various hardware (added Dynamic Kernel Module Support and legacy broadcom support for wider wireless out of the box for live installs/testing)
    – Changed default music player to the excellent Lollypop music player that gives access to a wide variety of streaming stations
    – Added the Gufw to provide an easy to use GUI to configure firewall settings and secure your system
    – Changed graphics editing to gThumb to simplify photo editing
    – Removal of additional applications that may not be used often by many. (CD burning, native video player)

LXDE versions wattOS should be able to run on any system that has a processor released in the last 10 years (some even further back) with 192-256MB of RAM to install but less than 128MB after install is complete. We enjoy bringing old computers back to life, and wattOS is a great candidate to do that.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.planetwatt.com/


wattOS R10
wattOS R10


Questa versione è basata su Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS

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