Quirky 7.1 “Appril”


Quirky è una distribuzione Linux creata tramite il tool Woof ed è creata dallo stesso autore di Puppy Linux. E’ specificatamente creata per esplorare nuove idea che vanno oltre il normale approccio con cui si crea una distribuzione Linux.

Questa versione è costruita intorno ad un unico grande file: se il boot parte, tutto è già pronto all’uso.

Versione 7.1 “Appril”

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Appril 7.1 is a specialised build of the Quirky Linux April series, for Android app developers. These packages are included:

Android SDK
Android Studio
App Inventor
Oracle JDK

These packages and their dependencies have blown up this Quirky way beyond our usual pup. The download file is just under 1GB.

The intention is to have out-of-the-box, just-click-and-get-going Android app development, catering for total non-programmers with App Inventor, through intermediate with LiveCode, to hard-core coders with Android Studio.

A significant feature of Appril is that App Inventor runs locally, whereas the official project is hosted by MIT “in the cloud”.

A very significant difference from all other quirkies, puppies and Puppy-derivatives, is that Appril contains all development tools. Other pups are designed for users, with a optional humongous “devx” package available to provide all compiling, version control, etc.
Appril has it all builtin, absolutely everything you can think of.
This makes Appril superb as a compiling environment for any Linux project.
The full Samba as well.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distibuzione è: http://bkhome.org/quirky/


Quirky 7.0: "April"
Quirky 7.0: “April”


Il nome di questa versione “Appril” corrisponde al cagnolino mascotte del progetto 🙂

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