Univention Corporate Server 3.2-2


Univention Corporate Server è una distribuzione Linux di classe enterprise basata su Debian GNU/Linux.  Utilizza un sistema di controllo  integrato per l’amministrazione centralizzata dei server, fornisce servizi compatibili al Microsoft Active Directory, e ha funzionalità per sistemi virtualizzati.

Versione 3.2-2

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • Domain joining of Windows clients with incorrect system times has been simplified; it is now no longer necessary to synchronise the system time in advance. In addition, password lockouts following unsuccessful login attempts are now also supported in Samba AD domains.
  • Univention AD Takeover – the UCS solution for the automatic migration of an Active Directory domain to UCS – can now also be performed via a Univention Management Console module.
  • The Univention App Center has been expanded further, for example: it is now also possible to provide applications which are not available for all processor architectures.
  • The configuration of the access to WLAN networks via the RADIUS protocol can now be configured in the Univention Management Console thanks to the new Radius app.
  • The Debian point update 6.0.9 has been integrated. It includes a wide range of bug fixes.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.univention.de/en


Univention Corporate Server 3.1
Univention Corporate Server 3.1


La 3.2.2 contiene anche tutti gli aggiornamenti dalla 3.2.0

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