Kali Linux 2019.3

Kali Linux

Kali Linux (precedentemente nota come BackTrack) è una distribuzione Linux basata su Debian che contiene una collezione di tools per la sicurezza e l’analisi forense. E’ disponibile anche per architettura ARM, ha 4 desktop manager tra cui scegliere, aggiornamenti continui e un modo semplice per aggiornare di versione.

Versione 2019.3

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):


Kali Linux is Open Source, and Cloudflare hearts Open Source – so it’s a perfect match! As a result, CloudFlare has graciously allowed us to use their content delivery network (CDN) to mirror our repository, allowing us to now distribute our content through them. A more technical breakdown can be found on their blog.

We are currently running the CloudFlare services side by side with our standard and community mirrors.​

If you notice the kali.download domain appearing on screen when you run apt update, this means you’re using CloudFlare’s services.​

Kali Status

We now have a status page – status.kali.org. This provides an overview of all public facing domains and allows you to check if they are responding correctly. We have included all the sites we control, as well as the community mirrors for the repositories, allowing you to see everything you could possibly use (even if you are unaware)!​

Note: Our load balancer on http.kali.org should automatically detect when a mirror is not responding and redirect you to one that is. As such, apt should always work (even if slow at times).​


We already announced the changes to metapackages in a previous blog post, and the Kali tool listing page goes into more detail on it. However, to recap, the default toolset going forward has changed. To help with this transition, for this release only (Kali 2019.3), there is a one-off, extra image called kali-linux-large-2019.3-amd64.iso, that contains all previous default tools.​

Going forward, during our release cycle, we will be evaluating which tools belong to each group:​

  • Kali-linux-default – tools we believe are essential to a penetration tester
  • Kali-linux-large – for penetration testers who have a wider set of non standard/common situations
  • Kali-linux-everything – for those who want it all (and without Internet access during the assessment)

​With the switchover to GitLab (read more here), we will soon begin accepting community package submissions. This means that anyone can directly submit improvements to us–anything from minor fixes and patches to complete tool packages is encouraged. We’re currently working through the documentation on how to create a package, making it easier for folks to get started and help out. More details to come later this year.

​We also noticed some packages failed to build on certain ARM architectures, which has now been fixed (allowing for more tools to be used on different platforms!).

Helper Scripts

There’s a wide range of tools in Kali. Some tools are designed to be used on Linux, some are designed for Windows (and we can still use them with WINE), and some are static resources. During our recent metapackage refresh, we took the time to create a few “helper scripts”.

You may have installed a package, gone ahead and typed in the package name to run it, and the response back was command not found. Not any more!


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.kali.org/


Kali Linux 2017.3


Per aggiornare dalla versione precedente bisogna seguire le istruzioni sul sito.

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