CAELinux 2018


CAELinux è una distribuzione inux in live-dvd dedicata al  computer-aided engineering (CAD) e l’analisi agli elementi finiti. E’ basata su Ubuntu e contiene tutti i software per un uso professionale della analisi 3D FE partendo da geometrie CAD.

Versione 2018

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • LiveDVD distribution based on Xubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit with XFCE lightweight desktop
  • Available as an installable ISO image for DVD/USB flash drive; ready to use on laptop, workstations or even clusters (with OpenMPI)
  • Runs directly from the DVD or from USB key without any installation
  • For best performance: installation to hard disk with the simple Ubuntu installer
  • Offers a complete platform for open source engineering development: Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and simulation (CAE, FEA / CFD), electronics design, scientific computing,  programming and mathematical modelling
  • CAD/CAM & 3D printing: Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCad, Pycam, Camotics, dxf2gcode & Slic3r
  • FEA, CFD & multiphysic simulation: Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, Elmer FEM, Calculix, Impact FEM, MBDyn
  • Meshing, pre-post, & visualization: Salome-Meca, Paraview, Helyx-OS, Elmer GUI, Tetgen, CGX, GMSH, VoxelMesher
  • Electronic design and prototyping: KiCad, Arduino, Flatcam, dxf2gcode / cadpy for PCB isolation milling.
  • Scientific & development tools: Python / Scipy with Spyder, GNU Octave, R, Scilab, wxMaxima, Qt Creator, gcc, gfortran, java, g++, perl, tcl/tk


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


CAELinux 2018
CAELinux 2018


Questa versione è basata su Xubuntu 16.04

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