Univention Corporate Server 4.3-1

2 Luglio 2018



Univention Corporate Server è una distribuzione Linux di classe enterprise basata su Debian GNU/Linux.  Utilizza un sistema di controllo  integrato per l’amministrazione centralizzata dei server, fornisce servizi compatibili al Microsoft Active Directory, e ha funzionalità per sistemi virtualizzati.

Versione 4.3-1

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Univention is pleased to announce the availability of Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 4.3-1, the first point release of UCS 4.3. It includes all errata updates issued for UCS 4.3-0 and provides various improvements and bugfixes especially in the following areas:

  • The UMC system diagnostic module has been extended with additional tests. They support the administrator to check the system health of the UCS system and the whole domain.
  • The management system usability and configurability has been expanded. The expected usability has been improved in several places, for example when configuring email addresses or DNS settings.
  • A content-security-policy has been integrated in the UCS management system to increase the browser security by protecting web cookies.
  • Various security updates have been integrated into UCS 4.3-1, e.g. Apache2, the Linux kernel and Samba4. A complete list is available in the release notes.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


UCS 4.0

UCS 4.0


Si può aggiornare dalla versione precedente.

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