SparkyLinux 5.3


SparkyLinux  è una distribuzione Linux leggera basata su versioni customizzate di Enlightenment e LXDE, adatta sia ai vecchi che hai nuovi computer. Si basa sul ramo testing di  Debian.

Versione 5.3

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • full system upgrade from Debian testing repos as of March 7, 2018
  • Linux kernel 4.15.4 as default (4.15.8-sparky is available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
  • the default system installer Calamares updated up to version 3.1.12
  • added packages to support btrfs & xfs file systems
  • cleaning out old files configs
  • added new tool for cleaning your system from old files and configs: bleachbit
  • missing language package installer (a part of APTus) has gotten gnome, kde & qt language package installtion option
  • gdebi has been removed; locale stored debs can be installed via APTus-> Install-> Install package
  • cli edition has been re-configured; it uses sudo as default after installing it on a hard drive as well
  • many small fixes and improvements


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


SparkyLinux 4.2
SparkyLinux 4.2 KDE


Questa versione è stata chiamata “Nibiru”

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