Univention Corporate Server 4.2-1


Univention Corporate Server è una distribuzione Linux di classe enterprise basata su Debian GNU/Linux.  Utilizza un sistema di controllo  integrato per l’amministrazione centralizzata dei server, fornisce servizi compatibili al Microsoft Active Directory, e ha funzionalità per sistemi virtualizzati.

Versione 4.2-1

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

We are pleased to announce the availability of UCS 4.2-1 for download, the first point release of Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 4.2. It includes all errata updates issued for UCS 4.2-0 and provides various improvements and bugfixes especially in the following areas:

  • A forwarding of e-mails can now be set per mail user in the management system.
  • Changing the password to log on to the UCS management system has been improved. This allows users from a Microsoft Active Directory domain to change their expired password. In addition, more information is displayed if the password change fails.
  • When logging on as root user, a hint now appears, since for root unlike Administrator u.a. the domain modules are not available.
  • The IPv6 configuration capabilities of various services have been improved, for example in the Nagios or proxy server configuration and in the management system.
  • The App Center docker integration has been improved, so it now better reacts to errors. In addition, the proxy configuration of the UCS system is now forwarded to the docker app.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è: http://www.univention.de/en


UCS 4.0
UCS 4.0


Si può aggiornare dalla versione precedente.

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