Kwort Linux 4.3.2

Kwort Linux

Kwort Linux è una distribuzione che deriva da CRUX, la quale è orientata per utenti esperti ed è ottimizzata per processori i686.
Lo scopo di CRUX è di essere semplice, per questo utilizza pacchetti in formato tar-gz, per cui KWort ha realizzato il package manager kpkg per semplificarne ulteriormente la loro gestione.

Utilizza il desktop manager OpenBox e il toolkit GTK+, per mantenere la distribuzione il più semplice e leggera possibile.

Versione 4.3.2

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

Clean system as always allows us to remain simple and fast. You’ll see that this release is a little bit bigger as we include the linux-firmware package as in the previous release and also llvm a allow a few X.Org drivers to work properly. Most significant technical aspects are:

  • Linux kernel 4.8.15 and glibc 2.24.
  • New kpkg version provides support for checking available upgrades before fetching and upgrading (diff option).
  • GTK3 is now included as part of the distribution.
  • UI’s look & feel has been improved and both, GTK+ 2 and GTK3, are themed to make both toolkits to work together in a seamlessly way.
  • Chromium 56.0.2924.28 that supports latest glibc. (Previous versions of chromium breaks with glibc 2.24)

People we would like to thank for helping our project:

  • The infrastructure maintainers, PGHosting (this site and master server) and Ricardo Brisighelli for the package mirror at UNR.
  • Josep Subils who in a uninterested has always paid domain.
  • Andreas Schipplock who is now paying for domain. THANK YOU FOR STAYING ON TOP OF THAT! 🙂
  • The CRUX folks for developing it, as it’s Kwort’s base.
  • And of course, the people who develop every project Kwort makes use of. THANK YOU!


La distribuzione può essere scaricata (637MB) da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Kwort Linux 4
Kwort Linux 4


Questa versione esce a due mesi dalla precedente.

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