Finnix 111


Finnix è una piccola distrubuzione Linux Live  basata su Debian creata per gli amministratori di sistema. Può essere usata per manipolare le partizioni degli harddisk, monitorare reti, sistemare i record di boot e installare altri sistemi operativi. E’ ottima come Virtual Private Server.

Versione 111

Questa versione contiene:

ARM support

Finnix 111 introduces support for the ARM (armhf) architecture, in addition to existing x86 and PowerPC archicture support. Finnix 111 for ARM is currently classified as a “technology preview”, and primarily targets the Versatile Express A9 platform, as emulated by QEMU. This makes it easy to download and test via QEMU on a standard PC without special hardware.

Additional platforms are planned for the future. Finnix for ARM has been successfully tested on the Raspberry Pi 2, when combined with Raspberry Pi firmware and a custom kernel.

OverlayFS support

Finnix 111 includes Linux kernel 4.0, which includes OverlayFS functionality. Previous Finnix releases used AUFS to overlay a ramdisk on top of a compressed root filesystem, but required a kernel patch, as AUFS is not in the upstream Linux kernel. Finnix 111 now uses OverlayFS directly, which means that special (non-upstream) kernel functionality is no longer required in Finnix kernels. This will help VPS providers better integrate Finnix into their platforms, and will make kernel maintenance easier for future releases.


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Finnix 107
Finnix 107: boot


Per chi usa un 586 c’è un baco che può provocare il kernel panic.

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