Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux è una distribuzione Linux per ambienti di produzione, basata su soluzioni con software open source, che fornisce un ampio supporto ai clienti. La controparte free sponsorizzata da Red Hat è data dal progetto Fedora, dove vengono sperimentate nuove soluzioni che poi potranno venir adottate in RHEL.

Versione 5.11

Sono presenti in questa versione (in Iglese):

  • New storage drivers – Updates that provide customers with the benefits of some of the latest storage adapters from Red Hat hardware partners.
  • Enhancements to Red Hat Access Support’s debugging capabilities – Red Hat Access Support makes it easier for customers to manage, diagnose, and engage with Red Hat directly through a console within Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
  • Improvements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux guests running on VMWare ESXi.
  • More information from subscription management services that makes managing subscriptions easier through both the GUI and command line.
  • Updates OpenSCAP to version 1.0.8, certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) 1.2 in the Authenticated Configuration Scanner category with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) option. The new certification adds Red Hat to a short list of vendors qualified for the complex SCAP standard, making OpenSCAP and Red Hat important factors in the security space. With this new certification, openscap 1.0.8 can run SCAP content correctly written to the 1.2 standard from any source, such as the Red Hat Security Response Team’s Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) content, DISA’sSecurity Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) OVAL repository, and others.


I clienti possono accedere alla nuova immagine tramite:

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Il ramo 5.x è supportato per ben 10 anni ed è retrocompatibile con le precedenti versioni

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