Pidora 2014


Pidora è una distribuzione Linux per il computer Raspberry Pi. Contiene i pacchetti dal progetto Fedora compilati per l’architettura ARMv6 usata dal Raspberry Pi, e dai pacchetti forniti dalla Fondazione Raspberry Pi.

Versione 2014

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • Rootfs-Resize now works with logical partitions
  • Raspberrypi kernel-devel package has been added
  • New Pidora 2014 splash screen
  • New Pidora logos
  • Improved Headless Mode can be used with setups lacking a monitor or display
  • Much faster boot speed
  • Faster and smoother graphical usability, with Xorg fbturbo driver
  • Almost all of the Fedora 20 package set available via yum (thousands of packages were built from the official Fedora repository and made available online)
  • Compiled specifically to take advantage of the hardware already built into the Raspberry Pi
  • Graphical firstboot configuration (with additional modules specifically made for the Raspberry Pi)
  • Compact initial image size (for fast downloads) and auto-resize (for maximum storage afterwards)
  • Auto swap creation available to allow for larger memory usage C, Python, & Perl programming languages available & included in the SD card image
  • IP address information can be read over the speakers and flashed with the LED light
  • For graphical operation, Gedit text editor can be used with plugins (python console, file manager, syntax highlighting)
    to serve as a mini-graphical IDE
  • For console operation, easy-to-use text editors are included (nled, nano, vi) plus Midnight Commander for file management
  • Includes libraries capable of supporting external hardware such as motors and robotics (via GPIO, I2C, SPI)


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distribuzione è:


Pidora 2014
Pidora 2014


La versione del Kernel Linux utilizzata è la 3.12.17

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